Saturday, March 17, 2007

Have a Nice Long Weekend

It was so lazzy when I woke up in the morning,, ready to work.. yeah, Sabtu, gw masih harus kerja, although cuma setengah hari dan yg tambah bikin malas adalah, this day Meeting all staff.. yaksss..
maybe it's the big reason why today is so weak..

hohoho.. ada kabar gembira ternyata..
"Meeting di cancel, wuaaah senangnya.. :)
tapi krn si Bos sakit..wah maaf..smoga Pak Bos lekas sembuh :)

Mungkin bwt kebanyakan org, 3 hari ke depan it's time 4 having fun..yaps Long Weekend!! well, got any plan for traveling ??

Eniwei.. Planning for this weekend:
attending a few friend's beuzday & wedding invitation
beside that, I still have plenty of time to read my new books which just ordered from :)
'n another plan, just to meet my little nephew Farrell, miss him so much

Eniwei..have a nice Long weekend everyone ^_^


Dhila said...

Happy Long Weekend :-)

Nieke,, said...

happy Long wiken jugaaa

hurrayyyy!!! ;D

Wayne Allen Sallee said...

hello from america. hope you had fun at the wedding and birthday...